Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just Say NO WAY JOSE to Shopping


Oh my goodness, I am soooo proud of myself right now!!!  I was just on Amazon looking through my saved items, and I started to add a few Pottery Barn books to my cart.  When it hit me..
 *We are going to Disney World  in a few short months, and all my extra money is to go towards that, if I spend it, I will not be able to enjoy Disney World to the fullest.*

So I was able to walk away from  Amazon, and walk away from eBay.  I now have butterflies in my stomach and Im a bit shaky but I DID IT!!!

This may seem silly to some, but for a girl who seriously does have a real shopping problem, this is a BIG deal.  Just ask my Mr. Fireman he will agree..

Speaking of eBay, I will be back a little later to show you a purchase I made not too long ago that I think was an AWESOME deal.  I just wanted to let you know how excited I was to say NO WAY JOSE to unnecessary shopping.  :)

*I am no way on a shopping diet, just trying to learn some control*

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